This is probably my most controversial article to date, and by no means should it be assumed that i am promoting unnecessary Plastic surgery. In fact the purpose of this article is to make us all aware of the importance of exercise, whether you are considering going under the knife or not.
It is not news that Africans have now begun to adopt the culture of plastic surgery, and have started undergoing rigorous surgical procedures to enhance their appearance. We have all heard horror stories of how plastic surgery has claimed the lives of a number of individuals for example Stella Obasanjo and Donda West (Kanye West’s Mother). In some ways, these disasters could have been prevented.
How? – Yes by Exercise!
Firstly, I’ll go on to define Plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has two branches, cosmetic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is concerned with improving the aesthetic appearance of a person through surgical procedures, and reconstructive plastic surgery is concerned with improving function; either by correcting a physical abnormality or enhancing normal appearance. The latter is more risky..
Most people who consider reconstructive surgery such as liposuction and tummy tuck, have excess skin which is often the result of losing an extreme amount of weight. Some people can lose a lot of weight and not have any excess skin while others are the exact opposite. It is important to bear in mind that when you lose an extreme amount of weight, you are not only losing body fat, but losing lean muscle mass as well, which contributes to the “flabby” appearance of excess skin.
Any surgical procedure is quite taxing on the body. Most procedures would involve making incisions on your body, loss of blood and other aspects, which a normal body is not used to. If you undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery, you will need to be in the best of health so that your body can recover as quickly as possible and at the same time fight any possible risks.
If you are considering plastic surgery, then you need to know exercise is imperative before doing so. People who are active and fit are able to withstand a lot more pressure on their bodies as their immune system is that much stronger. Without strong immunity, you not only run the risk of long recovery times, you also run risks that could end up creating permanent damage to your body including death in some cases. By implementing aerobic and weight training along with proper stretching into your daily routine, your body will be fit for surgery. There is also the advantage of a strengthened heart, firmer body, and rapid post-surgery recovery.
A qualified and reputable plastic surgeon would advise his or her patient to consider a healthy diet and exercise in favour of surgery. In fact, many plastic surgeons would refuse operation without a good or appropriate medical history. If preliminary tests show that you are unhealthy, under certain medications, have history of health related issues including health conditions that affect your immune system, then you are not a good candidate for most plastic surgery procedures.
Below are five ways that will help you prevent or reduce excessive skin after extreme weight loss and also, help achieve the physical appearance you are craving:
• Nourish and exfoliate your skin daily. This will encourage elasticity and circulation to help tighten your skin.
• Don’t lose the weight all at once. Find a diet and exercise routine that you can handle and focus on losing two pounds per week.
• Aloe vera extract, cucumbers, tomatoes, and coconut can improve your skin’s elasticity by increasing your body’s production of elastin and collagen.
• Drink a lot of water and eat a high-protein diet. This help keeps the body and muscles hydrated and prevents the loss of lean muscle mass.
If you are seriously considering plastic surgery, you need to consult a doctor. Certain exercises may be recommended for specific cosmetic surgery procedures. Your surgeon may also advise on post surgery exercises, which you need to start once the initial healing is completed. The typical full post-surgery recovery time is around four to six months.
Remember exercise is the best and safest way to improve the appearance of the body, so before you take that leap into the world of plastic surgery, pause to think, “Have I considered exercise”.
Debby Soetan
Before deciding to go for a cosmetic surgery, I was active and did lots of exercises, but without any success. So, I went for a liposuction procedure by Dr. Jerome Edelstein to help me with the fat from my hips and waist, which he did. I'm very satisfied with my results and I'm looking way much better.