It feels good to have someone to talk to when times are rough, and someone to celebrate life’s biggest moments with. Having good social relationships is fulfilling, and new research suggests that friendships can also add years to your lifespan.
According to research, the benefits of having healthy relationships are comparable to that of quitting smoking. Researchers conducted 148 studies of 308,000 people or various ages and health statuses. The study found that people were 50 percent more likely to live longer if they had strong social relationships. The study suggests that people with low levels of social interactions have a lifespan equivalent to alcoholics and obese people.
The following types of relationships are especially helpful to your health. Cherish and nurture these friendships for your health’s sake.
1. A Childhood Friend
Longtime friends are special because they have most likely seen you at all different points in your life. They are the friends who can say “who would have thought?” These friendships remind you of how much you have grown. Nurture these friendships by staying in touch on a regular basis. Schedule days to meet up for lunch, or plan nights out with old friends to keep these friendships close over time.
2. A New Friend
Unlike school friends, newly acquired friends only know the you that you are today. They have no preconceived notions about you, and that may be a good thing. What’s even better about new friends is that they can introduce you to new things and fresh perspectives. Find new friends at work, your kids’ school, the gym or through old friends. Networking for a career change can also lead you straight to some rewarding friendships.
3. A Workout Friend
Experts agree that exercising with a friend is the best way to get yourself to stick with your workout plan. A good friend who will drag you off the couch when you have every excuse in the world is good for your health in more ways than one. Set a mutual goal with your workout buddy to make sure you’re both on the same page.
4. A Spiritual Friend
A study from Duke University Medical Center found that people who regularly attended religious services or engaged in activities such as prayer or meditation had a 50 percent lower risk of dying over a 6-year period than others of the same age and health status.
Regularly attending activities and volunteer opportunities through your religious organization is a great way to bond.
5. A Younger Friend
To your younger friend, you must have super powers. How can you juggle it all and make it seem so easy?
Research shows that an element of a happy life is to feel useful to other by passing on what you've learned through experience. Mentoring young men or women can give you that feeling. To get the most benefit from this type of relationship, make sure you take advice as well as give it. Give your younger buddy career advice and let your younger buddy share with you how to navigate the latest social networking site.
6. Your Partner’s Friends
Your friends are like your family, and that means they should also become a part of your partner’s family to an extent. Studies show that the more a couple’s friends and family intermingle, the better the chances of the relationship lasting past one year.
7. Your Mom
No matter your inevitable conflicts with your mom, mothers have a strong bond with their children. If you want to be closer with your mom but keep running into obstacles, consider what you can do to overcome those issues. If you find it hard to enjoy the time you spend with your mom, stop picking her apart and focus on her good qualities. Don’t take your mother’s criticism personally. Instead, look at it as a reflection of her own habits and traits.
8. Yourself
When others are in need you are there at the drop of a hat, but when you are in need you forget to take care of yourself. Become your own friend by getting to know yourself. Understand what you want, what you don’t want and what makes you happy. Write down seven simple things that make you happy (walking, reading, or watching movies) and make sure you do at least one thing each day to care for yourself.
Nice post mutant geek. this is very true. i realise having so many friends help. thanks for sharing.
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