Men and Women have different kinds of risks as far as cancer is concerned and this is due to differences in biological features. below is an introduction to types of cancers that could affect Men. Each type would be elaborated on in future posts.
Prostate Cancer:
Prostate belongs to the reproductive system of the males and it is a gland of walnut size. It is located under the bladder, surrounding the urethra.
Age is an important factor in this kind of cancer. As you get older, you are likely to get affected and if you have a family history, it becomes more risky.
Diagnosis is through a rectal test and a blood test which measures antigens which are specific to prostate, and a protein which signals if there is high level of prostate cancer.
This condition is treated through radiation, surgery and hormone therapies.
Lung Cancer:
This can be a severe form of cancer which affects both the genders. Smoking and inhaling second hand smoke are main causes of cancer. Similarly, pollution or asbestos dust can cause the disease. It is diagnosed through X-rays and CAT scans(Computerised Axial Tomography). Surgery can be opted if cancer has not spread.
Colorectal Cancer:
This is cancer of the digestive parts specifically the rectum and colon . It's prone to attack people with family history and genetics. A high fat diet is also said to be a contributing reason.
It is diagnosed through Colonoscopy, which guides a lighted tube with a camera, inserted into the rectum so that large intestines can be examined. The cancer can be treated through colonoscopy, but if it is advanced it may necessitate a portion of colon to be cut out.
Testicular Cancer:
Testicles are a pair of sex glands in males, just under the penis. They produce and store sperm and are the main source of testosteron. This cancer affects men who have un-descended testes or some birth defects.
The cancer can be felt through unusual lumps, enlargement of testicles or pain in that part. Blood test and biopsy are used to confirm this disease. The affected portion can be removed surgically, after which radiation and chemotherapy can follow.
Penile Cancer:
The penis can also be affected by cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is linked to penile cancer. Similarly, if you don’t maintain personal hygiene especially in case of uncircumcised men, it can be a risk.
It is diagnosed through physical examination and biopsy tests. Treatment is usually by surgery, chemotherapy, as well as radiation therapy. If surgery is done precisely, the tumor can be removed leaving the penis intact.
Breast Cancer:
Men are at risk of breast cancer just as women are although its very rare. it accounts for less than 1% of all cancers in men, and less than 1% of all diagnosed breast cancers. Most men are between 60 and 70 years of age when they are diagnosed, but cancer may develop at any age. Worldwide, male breast cancer appears to be becoming more common, particularly in younger males. risk factors includes obesity, increased oestrogen, family history, and Gynaecomastia (enlargement of the male breast tissue).
diagnosis is the same as for women and this includes mammography, biopsy, full blood count and CAT scan.
Treatment is also similar to that in females - by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapies.
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