Monday, September 13, 2010

The headache of self-medication

What is self-medication?

It is simply taking medication that has not been prescribed by a medical doctor for a perceived illness or disease. Perceived because a diagnosis has not been made.

Though there are OTC (over-the-counter) drugs that people can purchase without a doctor's prescription; the aim of OTCs is to provide temporal relief of symptoms. They do not cure the root cause of the illness/disease. Some of these drugs are painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, cold remedies, antidiarrheal agents and so on.

In Africa where malaria is endemic, people are in the habit of 'treating' themselves for malaria as every fever is interpreted as malaria fever. More often than not this practice interferes with management and cause other complications such as drug resistance.

Another danger of self-medication is the accumulation of toxins in the body from the breakdown of drug components that the body invariably may not need. There are also dangerous drugs which if taken over a long period of time without proper monitoring can lead to other diseases and may even be fatal.

What to do?

It will be easier and more cost-effective in the long-run to seek medical advice from a medical practitioner early! It is better not to gamble with other people's prescriptions or opinions of what may be going on in your body. Take time also to learn the names of drugs you are taking and ask your doctor about medication prescribed for you. Remember that you are also part of your management and have a right to know what goes into your body.

Dr Efe Iruobe

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