Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Health risks of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery procedures are on the rise amongst Nigerians living in Nigeria and in the diaspora. Women are not alone when it comes to surgical enhancements, Men seek such procedures too although they are more common among women. With the advent of plastic surgery, more and more females are going under the knife to get drop dead gorgeous looks and whats more surprising is younger girls follow this trend too. There are a number of side effects of plastic surgery, even in the hands of a qualified professional. Just incase you are considering having one here are some side effects. Hopefully when you are done reading this you just might change your mind.

Reaction to Anesthesia: One of the side effects of plastic surgery is a negative reaction to anesthesia.Some individuals may take longer time waking up than expected while individuals with pre-existing conditions could have severe reactions on vital organs like the heart leading to death.

Infection:Individuals who undergo plastic surgery open themselves up to the possibility of getting infections because of unsanitary conditions in the operating room to contaminations after the procedure.Some infections slow down the healing process, others have been known to cause death

Sutures: Sutures if not closed properly can loosen and cause massive bleeding (internally and externally) and in worst case scenario, haemorrhages. In addition to causing bleeding, loose sutures need to be re-stitched which would need another surgery, possibly with permanent scars in the end.

Nerve Damage: Another side effect of plastic surgery is nerve damage or loss of feeling in the area of the body the procedure was performed on.

Fluid Buildup: medically referred to as seroma, occur in areas of the body where tissue has been removed. This condition usually disappears after a month. If it goes beyond that point, patients need to go back to their doctors.

Blood Clots: Are side effects on plastic surgery in which blood collects localized areas of the body. Doctors can drain the blood from these areas. Blood clots that occur in sensitive areas like the brain require dramatic treatments that could be dangerous and life-threatening. A major concern about these clots is how fast they break up and dissolve into the blood.There have been cases when undissolved blood clots have dislodged from the wounds and traveled to other parts of the body, causing serious harm in the form of heart attacks, strokes and brain damage.

Pain: A common side effect of plastic surgery is pain in the incision area, especially in procedures like breast implants and face lifts. These procedures require a lot of stretching of the skin.

Vomiting and Nausea: Definitely not so much of a concern when compared to other bigger issues, nausea and vomiting are very common after effects of cosmetic surgeries and can not be taken lightly, especially if you have a weak immune system.Most of the time an individual who has undergone cosmetic surgery feels nauseous due to the effect of the anesthesia that was administered during the procedure. This can be thwarted though if the individual opts for localized anesthesia that does not cause the same side effects as general anesthesia

photo credit : Getty Images

Monday, July 26, 2010

Natural Homemade Skincare Remedies

Facials and Spas are often thought of as complex processes involving multiple creams containing various chemicals and exotic components. However, the best skincare can be found right in your home. Natural home remedies are inexpensive and effective because they do not contain any chemicals and preservatives, but natural ingredients which are highly beneficial to skincare. These remedies however do not guarantee an overnight magical solution. What they do guarantee is a natural gentle way to cleanse the skin and restore its health and glow.

Listed below are 7 Natural Ingredients that can help clear acne.

Baking soda: A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots. To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin. Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.

Lemon or lime juice: can also be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, non-active acne quicker.

Egg Whites: Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin. To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.

Oatmeal: As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon.

Tea Tree Oil (TTO):is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face. Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.

Pantothenic Acid (Also known as Vitamin. B5): Pantothenic acid can be taken in large quantities for the benefit of acne reduction. B5 works by helping your body to metabolize fats which would otherwise be later turned into sebum (oil) and excreted through the skin. Small amounts of B5 won't help though, and it has to be taken several times a day.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for many years in kitchens for topical application to burns. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
Be sure to perform a patch test to make sure you do not react to any of these products.

Idu Onumonu
Beauty Specialist

Breast ironing in Cameroon

A hot stone is pressed against a young girl's chest or an object is used to beat the tissue, all in hopes of preventing breasts from developing and attracting men's advances. This practice is meant to protect girls from sexual assault and underage pregnancy, which is on the rise in Cameroon.

This video highlights why SEX EDUCATION is very important in Africa.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Depression - A brief overview

It’s no doubt that black and Asian ethnic minorities are over-represented in mental health services, particularly diagnosed with medium to severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia. However, as schizophrenia affects a small percentage of the population, most of us will never experience it, or may never see its effects beyond our television screens. But, with depression affecting nearly 1 in 6 people in the UK, it has become the most common mental disorder in Britain.
The main symptoms are:

• Losing pleasure in things that were once enjoyable, losing interest in other people and usual activities, isolating yourself from others

• Disturbances of sleep, appetite, memory, focus, and mood; experiencing erratic emotions

• Feelings of guilt and worthlessness, severe low self-esteem and low confidence, excessively self-critical

• Feelings of anxiety, desire to self-harm, feelings or thoughts of a suicidal nature
Within BME communities, it is often expected that those who do suffer from clinical depression will have a strong community, religious or family base, from where they can receive support.

But we know this is not always the case.

So if you feel like you may be depressed, and that maybe the people around you may not understand what you’re feeling or going through, book an appointment and go and see your GP to discuss it with him or her. They should be able to help you and it will be purely confidential.
Depending on the severity of your depression and how long you’ve been suffering from it, there are a range of treatments, like a psychological therapy called CBT, exercise programmes, as well as medication to help lift your mood and get you back to yourself again.

Samantha chioma - Mental health enthusiast.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Must-Have Vitamins Women Need

Poor nutrition increases a woman's risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Healthy eating is the most important thing a woman can do to meet the minimum daily vitamin requirements essential for good health.Some women go on diet so there are often gaping holes in their nutrition while some others work very long hours and might not be able to eat 3 square(balanced) meals a day. whatever the case, supplements can help you get the required daily nutrients. Here are a list of essential vitamins every woman in the menstruating age needs.

Calcium: A woman typically needs 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily, depending on her age. You can reach this daily requirement by eating or drinking dairy and soy products (preferably fat-free) or pure orange juice that’s been fortified with calcium, or by taking calcium supplements. As women age, their bone mass decreases. At this point, women need to be at the upper end of the daily calcium requirement to lower their risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin D:Sunlight triggers the development of vitamin D in your body, but as women get older they lose some of their ability to convert sunlight into vitamin D; without vitamin D your body can't use calcium. Also, protecting yourself from skin cancer with sunscreen means shutting out the vitamin D you'd get from the sun. To compensate for this loss, women should consider taking a multivitamin containing both vitamin D and calcium.

Iron:If you’re still menstruating, you need to be sure you're getting an adequate amount of iron in order to prevent anaemia. You’ll find iron in meat, poultry, beans, eggs, and tofu. It’s important to pair your iron-rich meals with foods that contain vitamin C, like orange juice or citrus fruits, because vitamin C helps increase iron absorption.

Folic acid: Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant need to get more folic acid. it has been shown that low levels of this B vitamin can lead to birth defects in the baby affecting the brain and spinal cord. In addition to supplements, folic acid can be found in orange juice, beans, and green vegetables, and in foods such as breads and flour that have been fortified with it.

Beta-carotene: antioxidants — cancer-fighting substances like beta-carotene and vitamin C — help defend your body against cell damage. Food sources best for beta-carotene include carrots, apricots, papaya, cantaloupe, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and mangoes.

B6 and B12: Vitamin B6 helps with red-blood cell formation and vitamin B12 helps with nerve-cell and red-blood cell development. For example, you can get a day's supply of vitamin B12 by eating one chicken breast, one hard-boiled egg, a cup of plain low-fat yogurt or one cup of milk, plus one cup of raisin bran.

Omega-3 fatty acids: These acids have been shown to act like natural anti-inflammatory substances in the body. They may also be important in helping to keep your heart healthy. As a woman gets older, her levels of estrogen decline, and that puts her at greater risk for heart disease. Fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, is a great source of omega-3 fats, and pure orange juice is often fortified with omega-3. alternatively you can take fish oil capsules.

In general experts believe taking multivitamins is a good idea. Clearly when it comes to calcium and vitamin D we all need additional supplementation. We can only eat so much dairy or fortified foods in a day. For the rest, a multivitamin may help to fill in the gaps when your diet cant.

photo credit: getty images

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vaginal gel cuts HIV-infections by half

A vaginal gel has significantly cut the rate of women contracting HIV from infected partners in an experiment in South Africa.The gel containing Aids drug tenofovir and reduces infection rates among 889 women by 50% after one year of use, and by 39% after two and a half years.

If the results are confirmed it would be the first time that a microbicidal gel has been shown to be effective.Such a gel could be a defence for women whose partners refuse to wear condoms.New ways of curbing the spread of HIV are badly needed, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly 60% of those infected with the virus are women.Many women are often forced to take part in unsafe sex, and are biologically more vulnerable to HIV infection than men, making a gel they apply an attractive option.Welcoming the results, UN agencies said they would convene an expert consultation in South Africa next month to discuss the next steps with the product.

Hope for women

It's the first time a microbicide gives positive that is statistically significant. The researchers say women who used the gel also showed a significant reduction in genital herpes, a common sexually transmitted infection, which itself increases the risk of HIV infection. The UN's HIV/Aids agency noted that nearly 20 years of research had gone into microbicides that can be controlled by a woman, independent of her partner.

This gives hope to women and for the first time ever there are results for a woman-initiated and controlled HIV prevention option.this microbicide would be a powerful option for the prevention revolution and help would help break the trajectory of the Aids epidemic.

Clinical trials are going to be carried out to cofirm results and once they have been shown to be safe and effective, WHO will work with countries and partners to accelerate access to these products.

Reference: BBC health

Early HIV treatment would save lives and money

HIV-related deaths could be reduced by 20% over the next five years if treatment begins earlier, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says in fresh guidance.There were over 5m people receiving treatment for the virus at the end of 2009, up more than a million from 2008 - the largest ever increase in a year.The guidelines would raise the number needing treatment to 15m by 2015.But there are concerns about funding as countries potentially cut back on aid.

Unveiling its first new guidance for four years at the Aids 2010 conference in Vienna, the WHO says it wants treatment with a cocktail of drugs to begin before the virus seriously undermines the patient's immune system. This means changing the threshold at which a drugs regimen should be started from 200 CD4 cells per microlitre of blood to 350, regardless of symptoms. These cells are the key marker of the health of the immune system.Starting treatment sooner could prevent opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis, which is the number one killer of those with HIV. According to Dr Gottfried Hirnschall (WHO director of HIV/Aids) earlier treatment has prevention benefits In addition to saving lives. Early treatment reduces the level of virus in the body which means HIV-positive people are less likely to pass the virus on to their partners.

Expanding treatment to more people will push the costs for 2010 up to $9bn, according to UN estimates. But experts stress that extra costs would be more than offset by decreased hospital costs, increased productivity, fewer children orphaned by Aids and a fall in new HIV infections.People with weaker immune systems who come late for treatment require more complex and costly drugs and services than those who start treatment earlier and are healthier.

According to WHO, The investments made today can not only save millions of lives but millions of dollars tomorrow.

Source: BBC health
Photo credit: BBC health,SPL

Sunday, July 18, 2010

High blood sugar

A high glucose level in the blood is indicative of Type I, II or gestational diabetes. Type I is an insulin-dependent diabetes usually seen in young people. Type II is usually non insulin-dependent and tends to affect adults over 40 and overweight people. Gestational diabetes is associated with pregnancy and symptoms usually disappear after birth. If you get gestational diabetes, you have an increased risk of developing one of the main types of diabetes later in life.

Commom causes of diabetes are heredity, lifestyle/dietary habits, obesity, and lack of exercise. In Nigeria, diet and lifestyle are major causes of this disease.
It is characterized by some of the following symptoms, some of which can be really dangerous if one is genetically predisposed.

You have High blood Sugar if:

You feel a numbing and ticklish feeling on your palms or feet (Not always the case)

Your teeth feels gritty and sticky even after brushing. This happens because of the sugar circulating in the body which is also present in saliva.

You have blurry vission. this is also due to increased sugar levels in the blood.

When your injuries or wounds do not heal quickly, it is a symptom of the increased blood sugar levels in the body. Even as the blood is thickened the capillaries near the surface of the skin do not easily get fresh supply of blood, resulting in the hampered healing of injuries. Usually diabetic people have problems with their feet. Even small sores or cuts don’t heal quickly. Sometimes diabetes may lead to complications like gangrene in the feet necessitating amputation.

Another sure symptom of increased blood sugar level is the frequent thirst which seems unquenchable. this is an unmistakable signal of the onset of diabetes. This then triggers frequent visits to the toilet.

Other symptoms include nausea, tiredness, weight loss/gain, skin problems and poor circulation in the limbs.

if these symptoms are familiar, please visit your doctor for proper diagnosis.

Focus:Tuberculosis in Nigeria

According to the Federal Government, over 460, 000 Nigerians currently suffer from tuberculosis (TB). Over nine million people are infected with the disease annually across the world. TB is an infection caused by a bacterium (germ) called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. it affects the lungs, but any part of the body can be affected. It's second to HIV as the leading infectious killer of adults worldwide and accounts for more deaths among women, especially in poor nations, than all other causes of maternal mortality combined. Its also the leading infectious cause of death among People Living with HIV/AIDS.

The problem with TB is the increase in drug resistant Mycobacterium strains which makes the infection more difficult to control/treat.While the rate of TB is stable or slightly fluctuates in many parts of the globe, the rate is still rising in many endemic areas where TB goes hand-in-hand with HIV/AIDS, and the effect of poverty in poor nations.

Factors that promote infection and its eventual graduation to disease includes poverty, crowded living conditions, poor sanitation, acute ignorance, alcoholism, HIV opportunistic infections and homelessness.Other conditions that could lead to TB are drug resistance, inadequate hospitals, live saving equipments and support. Smokers, particularly those that smoke weed are equally at risk.

Symptoms include prolonged cough for about two weeks( sometimes with blood), night sweat, weight loss, recurrent fever, tiredness and loss of appetite.

Nigeria, a country with about 150 million people is ranked fourth among countries with high TB prevalence and about 100,000 deaths are recorded annually. Reports shows that Lagos State has the highest number of TB recorded cases in Nigeria. This is perhaps due to the fact that lagos state is the most crowded city. In 2008 alone, the state had 10,000 infections which represent 11 per cent of overall figure for the country, followed by Kano which had 6,000 cases.

The Federal Government is partnering with foreign governments and non-governmental organisations to control the spread of the disease as well as eradicate it.

Photo credit: A.D.A.M

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Focus: Ghana - Afrox (Africa-Oxford) Cancer Foundation

Cancer already causes more deaths each year worldwide than HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria combined. By 2020 there are expected to be 16 million new cases of cancer every year, 70 per cent of which will be in developing countries, which are least prepared to address the growing cancer burden. African countries are the least able of all developing countries to cope, having few cancer care services. Lack of resources and basic infrastructure mean that most Africans have no access to cancer screening

AfrOx's mission is to partner with African countries and assist them with implementing comprehensive cancer prevention and control programmes. AfrOx believes that by forging alliances of individuals, NGOs and governments to share expertise, technology, training and a degree of philanthropic support, much could be done to help reduce global disparities in cancer care.

AfrOx is currently working in Ghana. The four most common cancers in Ghana are liver, prostate, breast and cervical. At present, Ghana has only two oncology centres, one in the capital Accra and one in Kumasi. There are only 4 oncologists for a population of 22 million and no specialist cancer nurses. With your support, we hope to continue our programmes in the following areas:

- Support for national cancer care planning.
- Provision of training and education for healthcare staff.
- Improvement in palliative care.
- The early diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
- Raising public awareness of the early signs of cancer and methods of cancer prevention.

To learn more about Afrox, to donate, or to read Hajiya Turai's speech commending their effort then visit www.afrox.org

STD: Tips & Precautions

Worried about the repercussions of an unsafe sex escapade? Well, there’s more than just pregnancy and HIV to worry about. There are chances that you might contract STDs as well which may be very harmful to your health.

STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are on the rise. Western countries have a good knowledge of the term and its consequences but many developing countries are still far behind when it comes to adequate knowledge about unsafe sex and STDs.
STDs can be quite fatal to the body in the long run and can cause several health and reproductive related issues. Here are a few ‘need to know’ facts about STDs.

Sexual Contacts: It doesn’t necessarily require sexual contact between two individuals for STDs to be transmitted. Even an oral act of KISSING can put an individual at risk of contracting STDs.

Oral sex: You can get infected from oral sex of all sorts. Penetration isnt the only act that gives you a first class trip to STD Heaven.
Open sores in the private areas can easily spread STDs if they come in contact with the mouth or any other part of the body for that matter. For example, STDs like Herpes can spread even when the infected area comes in contact with other parts of the body. It is best to refrain from all kinds of sexual contact and activities, including foreplay until the infection is cured.

No physical signs: STDs DO NOT show on peoples faces (well, unless a herpes sore on the lips). So Guys/Ladies, when next you are checking out that HOT Girl/Guy in a bar/club..or wherever..rememeber..you just might be taking home free trial samples of STDs..No return policy here mate!

Virgins: Like mentioned before, intercourse is not the only way STDs can be transmitted. Oral and physical contact with the infected areas can result in the infection spreading to the other person and if you think you won’t be able to contract any such symptoms just because you are a virgin, you are terribly wrong. Also having Sex just ONCE with an infected person is all it takes.

Using Condoms: Condoms can prevent the transmission of sexual diseases like HIV and STDs to a great extent. However, they are not 100% accurate and can cause unfortunate accidents (for example, the condom breaks when inside the body of the partner). Nevertheless, it is always considered to use a condom for sexual intercourse, be it physical or oral.

Catching Symptoms: Many individuals feel that they have less chances of contracting STDs if they fail to notice the symtoms immediately. In contrast to this popular belief, there are certain STDs that show no signs or symptoms on the body until they reach an advanced stage, which in most cases is uncurable. In the worst case scenario, STD’s have known to cause infertility.
The best way to clear your doubts about contracting STD’s would be to take a test immediately. By being ignorant you could cause serious harm to your body and to your partner’s body as well. The saying "ignorance is bliss" certainly doesnt apply here.

Curable STDs: While most STDs are curable, you need to make sure to treat them in time to avoid complications at a later stage. Some STDs like Herpes cannot be cured though. Hence, it is completely necessary that you take the issue seriously and get yourself checked for infections if you indulged in unsafe sex.

Recurring STDs: There are strong chances for STDs to recur. This may be attributed to several reasons, the most common being neglect and callous attitude towards the necessary treatment.
Accordingly, some individuals start to skip their medications or treatment sessions once they notice the symptoms disappearing. However, what one needs to know in these cases is that the medication needs to be completed properly in order to avoid relapses.

Post Diagnosis Stage: If you have been diagnosed with a STD or see symptoms of the same appearing on your body, consult a doctor or a medical specialist immediately. Refrain from all kinds of sexual contact at all costs until you get cured.
On the other hand, if you suspect your partner is infected, advice him/her to seek medical help immediately before he/she risks the chance of passing the infection on to you.

STDs can have temporary and permanent affects on the body. The only way to stay away from them is to practice safe sex. It is better to indulge in sex with one trusted partner rather than enjoying sexual escapades with multiple partners ---> Players and Playettes take note

Remember to play safe and use condoms. Never wait for the infections to disappear on their own, should you get infected. Get medical help as soon as possible to avoid complications later in life.

Get rid of your Love Handles

A friend of mine asked me a while ago how she can get rid of her love handles. She said she had tried everything from dieting to rigorous exercises and she still couldn’t get rid of the Jelly belly. I must say I have been through this as well, but have managed to come up with an effective routine that got rid of it all. Majority of African cultures appreciate love handles, and see it as a sign of good living and feminine maturity, but there are some modern day Africans who will rather not have the extra fat. Also contrary to popular belief love handles don’t just affect women; there are loads of men that battle this as well.

Love handles are mainly deposits of fat which accumulate at the lower sides of the abdomen. As we become older we are prone to a certain type of fat called visceral, which collects around our organs. It may also be caused by women's menstrual cycles and food allergies. Our stomach is the main collector of this fat. The fat deposit is often pulled down by gravity from the sides down to create a more bulging area. The bulge may sometimes be visible even when light clothes are worn. The same fat store can also be observed in the lower front of the stomach, sometimes called a beer belly.

The time it takes to get rid of love handles greatly depends on how large one’s love handles are. Focusing on abdominal workouts initially will be pointless and yield hardly any results without doing cardio and switching to a healthier diet.
Begin with intense cardio exercises; such as swimming, jogging, cycling and aerobic classes. Alternate with a few minutes of less intense workouts such as power walking. Best results will be seen if you work three cardio work-outs a week for 40 minutes each. Repeat this sequence regularly and you'll begin to observe weight loss in the abdominal area as well as whole body.

While undergoing cardio switch your diet to a healthier one, note that i am not asking you to starve yourself. Simply cut down on sodas, pastries, fast-food, fatty dishes and alcohol and bulk up on veggies, rice, proteins (especially white meats like chicken), and wholegrain produce. Lowering your calorie intake will get your body to burn fat deposits. Drinking a lot of water will help your body burn off calories faster. Drink about 8-10 glasses of water each day.

When you start to notice a reduction in the size of your love handles, it is important to tone up the area. Working the obliques (the abs muscles that run down both sides of your abdomen) will Increase your abdominal muscle mass and your abdomen will look much firmer.

Here are 5 highly effective abdominal exercises to help trim down love handles.

Side Bends: Stand straight with knees slightly bent and feet apart, then slowlylower the trunk a few inches to the left side then back again to do the right side. Try to keep the body and legs in line by not bending forwards or backwards. Repeat for 12 – 16 repetitions. Weights can be carried for extra challenge.

Bicycle Crunches: Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Put your hands beside your head. Bring knees up to about 45- degree angle and slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion. Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. Keep even, relaxed breathing throughout.Repeat for 12 – 16 repetitions.

Plank: Lie face down on a mat resting on the forearms. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.

Hanging Knee raise: Begin hanging from a bar with your arms straight. Bring your knees up to your chest, hold for three seconds and then bring your feet back down. Use only your abdominal muscles to lift your legs and use slow body movements. Repeat for 12 – 16 repetitions

Medicine Ball-Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hold the medicine ball and extend your arms out in front of you, recline back so that your body is angled about 45 degrees. The more you lean back, the more challenging it will be. Also you can lift your feet about 1-2 inches off the floor and keep you feet in the air during the entire set. Repeat for 12 – 16 repetitions.

Other effective tips for abdominal fat loss are:

• Sleep - Sleep helps you to get rid of abdominal fat accumulations. While you sleep your body will develop muscle mass, which allows you to burn off calories.
• Breathe - exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose as often as possible. By doing this you will firm your abdominal muscles.
• A good laugh
• Eat your dinner earlier. The later you eat, the harder it is for your body to digest the food and it is just going to sit in your stomach.
• Stand up straight. Be conscious of your posture and pull your stomach in; this will force the middle muscles to work 24/7.

Debby Soetan

Monday, July 12, 2010

Body sculpting

With movies like 300 and TV shows like Spartacus, women are very aware what a fit man looks like and african women are no exception. In this generation, big tummy and flabby arms are so not cool..so boys...this is a general introduction to enable you be on your way to getting that GLADIATOR body.

Body sculpting is reaching the crest of being physically fit. If you think that you are in good shape but just need focus on few areas of your body, the following excises are just perfect for you to achieve the goal. One important aspect that is often overlooked by men while they’re planning a complete body sculpting is maintaining the balance.

If your upper body happens to be rock solid, you cannot ignore the lower body. The exercises written below will help you achieve the perfect middle ground.

Going for complete body sculpting routine needs you to take different routes.Every exercise helps you define in some or the other way, what you need to do is exercise in a way that improves your fitness level. First thing you need to start exercise with is a bench press. Exercise is excellent to build muscles in pectorals and arms. You can also alternate the daily benching exercises in such a way that one day you focus on higher weight benching with fewer reps and the other day you can try pressing a smaller weight with twice the number of reps.

The next thing that you need to do is Triceps dips. All you need to do is face away from the front of weight bench and then place your arms over the seat of the bench. Now extend your legs outwards so that your experience all the weight over your hands. Start lowering and raising your body in the way of you would perform push-ups.

The next area that you should focus on is your abs. Having a perfect abs is a great way to balance the upper body. You can perform declining sit-ups for achieving the same. You can use a decline bench and secure your feet over the top and then slowly start performing the sit-ups. The gravitational resistance will make your job tough but it will provide maximum attention to your abs.

Make sure that you exercise your lower body for an equal quantity of time so that the sculpting routine remains balanced. You can strengthen your legs using squats. You can also work on quads. A quad is basically an extension machine which is effective for leg muscle exercises.

Reference : www.menshealth.com

Male Cancer : Introduction

Men and Women have different kinds of risks as far as cancer is concerned and this is due to differences in biological features. below is an introduction to types of cancers that could affect Men. Each type would be elaborated on in future posts.

Prostate Cancer:

Prostate belongs to the reproductive system of the males and it is a gland of walnut size. It is located under the bladder, surrounding the urethra.
Age is an important factor in this kind of cancer. As you get older, you are likely to get affected and if you have a family history, it becomes more risky.

Diagnosis is through a rectal test and a blood test which measures antigens which are specific to prostate, and a protein which signals if there is high level of prostate cancer.

This condition is treated through radiation, surgery and hormone therapies.

Lung Cancer:

This can be a severe form of cancer which affects both the genders. Smoking and inhaling second hand smoke are main causes of cancer. Similarly, pollution or asbestos dust can cause the disease. It is diagnosed through X-rays and CAT scans(Computerised Axial Tomography). Surgery can be opted if cancer has not spread.

Colorectal Cancer:

This is cancer of the digestive parts specifically the rectum and colon . It's prone to attack people with family history and genetics. A high fat diet is also said to be a contributing reason.

It is diagnosed through Colonoscopy, which guides a lighted tube with a camera, inserted into the rectum so that large intestines can be examined. The cancer can be treated through colonoscopy, but if it is advanced it may necessitate a portion of colon to be cut out.

Testicular Cancer:

Testicles are a pair of sex glands in males, just under the penis. They produce and store sperm and are the main source of testosteron. This cancer affects men who have un-descended testes or some birth defects.

The cancer can be felt through unusual lumps, enlargement of testicles or pain in that part. Blood test and biopsy are used to confirm this disease. The affected portion can be removed surgically, after which radiation and chemotherapy can follow.

Penile Cancer:

The penis can also be affected by cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is linked to penile cancer. Similarly, if you don’t maintain personal hygiene especially in case of uncircumcised men, it can be a risk.

It is diagnosed through physical examination and biopsy tests. Treatment is usually by surgery, chemotherapy, as well as radiation therapy. If surgery is done precisely, the tumor can be removed leaving the penis intact.

Breast Cancer:

Men are at risk of breast cancer just as women are although its very rare. it accounts for less than 1% of all cancers in men, and less than 1% of all diagnosed breast cancers. Most men are between 60 and 70 years of age when they are diagnosed, but cancer may develop at any age. Worldwide, male breast cancer appears to be becoming more common, particularly in younger males. risk factors includes obesity, increased oestrogen, family history, and Gynaecomastia (enlargement of the male breast tissue).

diagnosis is the same as for women and this includes mammography, biopsy, full blood count and CAT scan.

Treatment is also similar to that in females - by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapies.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

PCOS or Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the rising cause of infertility amongst women. Fortunately, PCO is also a condition which can be treated easily. A lot of women face problem while trying to get pregnant if they have polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is very important that you know all possible options of PCO treatments so that your passage to parenthood can be as even and smooth as possible.

If you are trying to get pregnant while suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome, you must change your lifestyle. Majority of women suffering from Polycystic ovarian syndrome have realized that their fertility incredibly increases after making changes in diet regimen and exercise

Only if you realize around 5% body weight loss, a huge difference would be accounted to your overall fertility and there will be a decrease in risk to gestational diabetes once you get pregnant. You must switch to eating low carbohydrate and fat diets so that you are able to regulate your insulin levels and manage your weight.

It is important to take the right medications that are designed to take care of internal resistance which is the stepping stone for getting pregnant if you are suffering from Polycystic ovarian syndrome. A physician or gynecologists will advise you on drugs that you will need to take for 3 to 6 months before you can start with any other treatment options. You must not get frustrated as it takes to get rid of the syndrome.

For ovulation, you must seek help. Women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome have difficulties ovulating so take drugs in order to stimulate ovulation. The gynecologists may prescribe injections in order to further stimulate the ovaries.

If you’re planning to get pregnant, it is important that you time it correctly. Making a chart of your basal body temperature will help you determine the right time for conception. You may also seek advice for determining the right time when you and your partner should have intercourse. The time of intercourse should be typically the four days that surrounds ovulation. Once you start to ovulate correctly, the doctor may advise you with intrauterine inseminations (IUI’s) which will make it easier for sperm to reach your eggs. This will increase the chances of conception incredibly.

Reference : on request

Bye Bye Baby Bump

Get your post-baby body back with these super effective workout tips and healthy eating plan. There is no quick fix solution, remember it took 9 months to gain the weight so allow a similar length of time to regain your pre-pregnancy appearance. Just as it is best to put on weight slowly and steadily during your pregnancy, you need to be slow and steady in losing weight after your pregnancy. For optimum health, aim to lose no more than 1 pound per week, and continue to focus on eating nutritious foods as recommended by your doctor.

Exercise plays a major role in returning you to your post-baby body. Apart from weight loss other benefits of new mothers engaging in exercise, include alleviating postnatal depression and, unlike dieting, it won't interfere with breastfeeding.
With a new baby at home it will most definitely be difficult to dedicate time to exercise, therefore a good trick is to find easy ways to increase and incorporate exercise into your daily routine like parking farther away or using stairs instead of lifts.

After 2-3 months, when you feel your strength is returning and when your period has returned to normal, start light exercise. Such exercises include walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, dancing or stair climbing. It is important to use one or more of these cardiovascular exercises daily, preferably one that you find comfortable and maybe have an interest in.

Most new mothers find walking to be more practical. You can take a 10-20 minute walk with the baby every day or with a friend or new mother. Babies can be carried using a snugli, baby strollers (prams), or even secured on your back with a wrapper, the more traditional way. A 30 minute stroll at a light three-miles-per-hour pace will burn at least 106 calories! Hence do not underrate the weight-loss power of walking.
Other important tips to losing baby fat are:

• Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. You can cut out hundreds of calories a day this way.

• Eat lean meats such as skinless chicken and lean beef. Also resist the urge to indulge in a fast food meal.

• Eat whole grains (breads, cereals, pastas) instead of the "white" versions. The “white” versions are more common in Africa, but whole grain products are being sold in a number of stores.

• Breastfeed! Fortunately African women are more likely to breast-feed after child birth than other ethnic groups. Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories per day so the longer you breastfeed, the more calories you burn. One of the reasons your body puts on weight during pregnancy is to help store the caloric energy it takes to breastfeed your baby. Therefore take advantage of losing calories the way your body naturally intended!

I have sourced out helpful exercise regimes should you wish to go a step further and engage in more rigorous routines. Follow the links below:





Debby Soetan

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dont lose your hair like Naomi

Naomi campbell has worn straight extensions over her naturally curly hair for a number of years. Experts say this may have permanently damaged her natural follicles. Marilyn Sherlock, from the Institute of Trichologists, which represents hair loss specialists, added: 'It looks like traction alopecia, hair loss caused by the use of extensions.'

Traction alopecia occurs when the extensions pull on the natural hair causing it to break. It usually affects the hairline just above the forehead or the sides, where the hair is weaker. It can take between three months to a year for hair to grow back in moderate But if the pulling continues the hair will never grow back and the only option is a hair transplant

Traction Alopecia damages the dermal papilla and hair follicle by constant pulling or tension over a long period. It often occurs in persons who wears tight braids, especially "cornrows" that lead to high tension, pulling and breakage of hair.

This condition is most common in black women and men who braid their hair too tightly. it is reversible if diagnosed early, but may lead to permanent hair loss if it is undetected for a protracted period. Hair loss is often in the frontal and temporal regions, but also depends on the hair style.With those who wear cornrows, the area most commonly affected is that adjacent to the region that is braided.

Traction Alopecia can also occur due to overprocessing of the hair. Chemical treatment of hair with dyes, bleaches, or straighteners disrupts the keratin structure in a manner that reduces its tensile strength. The hair can become fragile and heavy fall out can occur with brushing or combing.

The use of thermal or chemical hair straightening, and hair braiding or weaving are examples of styling techniques that place black women at high risk for various "traumatic" alopecias.

Studies show one in seven children and a third of women who have these hairstyles suffer hair loss caused by traction alopecia.

The key to stopping traction alopecia is detecting it early. Hair styles that put unnecessary strain on the hair root must be changed for "looser, more gentle hair style. Women who suspect they may be vulnerable to traction alopecia should take action immediately to change their hair style and see a trichologist.

Unfortunately, no medical treatment is available to reverse late-stage traction alopecia. Hair grafts have been identified as the only practical solution.

So ladies, we need to think of the health of our natural hair while fixing extensions. give you hair a break...let it breathe..let your natural hair out...afterall its all yours :-)

photo credit: bigpicturesphoto.com
information : the sun

Friday, July 2, 2010

The road to Fitness

Guest Blogger: Adun Okupe (Fitness enthusiast)

Traditionally, there is something about Africans that always seemed to puzzle me. How we accepted that the older we got, the bigger we were allowed to become.
I never fully accepted it. Yet I can understand why. Whilst at school, exercise was easy as it was included in the routine. Yet, as we reach our mid-twenties, what with the pressures from work, social life and family, the one thing that we give up, the easiest thing to give up is our commitment to exercise.

We all know about the benefits of exercise for being fit, slimmer. Did you also know about the benefits of exercise for clearer skin, better hair, nails, and even long-term health? Could it be possible that 30 minutes of walking/running/jogging can yield all the above? YES! I tell you! Yes!

I was speaking to my neighbour recently. She saw me stretching after running, and she stopped to tell me that I should never give up exercise, as it helps reduce the arthritis, the internal organs. She went further to tell me about how she exercises 4 times a week, nothing too strenuous, but enough to keep her going. She is in her 80s and she has cancer, and she has survived the estimated number of years that the doctors gave her to live.

This is not to scare you, but to make us appreciate the values of exercising and fitness, now while we are younger, and then we can incorporate this into our routine, and it can stand us in good stead for our later years.

So, a little bit about me, I love to exercise, jogging, swimming, running, tae bo, kick boxing, body combat, aerobics, hockey, you name it, I’ve tried it and I love it. I also have pressures from life, what with work, schooling and maintaining an active social life, but I know the benefits, and my, are they substantial!
This column will be to guide you, to encourage and motivate us in our quest to look good, inside, and outside, that is, to do away with the African myth of not exercising. If we can take good care of our cars, bags, shoes and gadgets, why not our bodies?

Liver Cirrhosis

Some Young people love to have so much fun socialising and partying. when this happens drinking is usually involved. this article is dedicated to the champagne popping, shots drinking, liquor bingers amongst us :-)

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious and usually fatal disease that destroys one of the most important organs of the body, the Liver. this condition is often caused by excessive alcohol intake especially if the patient has been an alcoholic for a long time. The liver filters alcohol from blood and excessive consumption of alcohol damages the organ causing it to lose its function. When this damage happens, it can not be reversed because the liver cells are unable to regenerate.

Cirrhosis may also develop from hepatitis; hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder which results from excessive iron which builds up in the heart and other vital organs; and Wilson’s disease, a genetic disorder resulting from excessive storage of copper.

Liver cirrhosis is often asymptomatic; the symptoms may be noticed only when the condition is advanced. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, itching, loss of weight and appetite, fatigue, sleeplessness, jaundice, blood vessels having a spidery appearance, loss of interest in sex, and swollen legs and feet.

Its advised to see a Doctor if cirrhosis is suspected. The diagnostic process consists of observation, blood tests, and biopsy, in which a tiny piece of liver tissue is taken for microscopic examination. Biopsy is the most reliable way to diagnose the disease.

A healthy liver is very resilient. To keep it healthy, one should cut down on alcohol consumption, which is one of the most frequent causes of cirrhosis. If cirrhosis is diagnosed while still in its initial stages, the liver can still perform its functions though not as efficiently as before. As the disease progresses, the symptoms would include water retention and bloating. The patient would then be put on a salt-free diet and given diuretics. Once the disease is in the advanced stage, only a liver transplant can help the patient. Liver transplants are risky and are therefore performed only on those who are young and strong enough to undergo surgery.

You cannot survive without your liver, so make sure you avoid causing damage to it. Minimize or abstain from consumption of alcohol while your liver still has the capacity to heal itself and perform its vital functions in your body.

Its always nice to chill out and unwind especially in the weekends..just try not to over do it :-)